So it has become somewhat of a tradition for me and Heather to hike up Timp during the night so we can be on top for the sunrise! Thursday Night we decided was going to be the day that we continued the tradition for this year :) we started hiking around 1:40 am. friday morning and got to the saddle (too much wind on the very very top) where we watch the sunrise around 5:30 am :) I was a little nervous since last year half way through the hike i got sick! But my stomach was fine this year and it made the experience much more pleasant! It is always so fun to have all those catch up hours to talk with heather during the hike! not to mention that because we are so tired by the end that we get super hyper and slap happy lol. its the best. Another thing we are very proud of is that 3 boys started hiking like 5 minutes before us and we ended up beating them to the top by a half hour! woot woot! go us haha we were shocked we thought when we passed them that they would probably end up passing us back but i guess we were faster then we usually are or something! anyways here are some pictures from the hike :) oh! minor story real fast though! so when we were on our way to our tree that we always go to the bathroom under we ran into a deer! it was 3 ft away from us and it just stared at us! i was terrified it was going to attack us or something because it just kept looking at us! we were talking and everything and it didn't run away! what happened to deer being afraid of people!? if we were hunters it would've been so dead. anyways haha it was kinda cool but me and heather were like uh... what do we do? should we turn around and walk back or stand here and hope it eventually goes away? I think it was confused by our head lamps or something.. maybe thats why it didn't run away haha.. but we eventually made it to our tree in safety :D

heather and I before we started the hike!

us when we got to the saddle and were waiting for the sunrise! it was super cold so this is our "Brr" faces! haha we're dorks i love it. we laughed for like 10 minutes about heathers face in this picture! i was dying! my stomach hurt so bad from laughing so hard :P

here comes the sun!!!

the beautiful sunrise! it was so bright!

before heading back down :) heather in her ninja head band and me in my fiesta jacket! (aka my dad's super snazzy windbreaker)

me by the stream that goes through the trail several times towards the bottom of the hike

the after hike snapshot

yay! we FINALLY made it to the bathrooms at the bottom of the hike!
haha the whole last hour of the hike was kinda slow goin because i had to pee SOOO bad! every step was pure agony for the bladder! but i'd already gone to the bathroom several times in the wilderness and didn't want to squat again!
It was a way fun hike :) and very entertaining. because when you haven't slept in 24 hrs everything is entertaining! also I haven't been sleeping well at ALL the last few weeks ugh... so frustrating! but yesterday when we got back from the hike around 10 i slept the best that i've slept in weeks!!! like a rock! until 4 when i had to wake up and get ready for work haha so if you're ever not sleeping well stay up all night hiking timp and your body will be begging for a bed :D
fun stuff girly chica!! i've never hiked it but it looks like a blast!
lol alyssa did you delete your blog?! :( cause thats sad i went to go read it yesterday and it doesn't exist apparently.. sad day!
Haha Ashley I love it! I am actually liking the BRR faces, haha! I am so glad you came with me! That was so extremely fun! i love you! I'm glad you're feeling better too! Tell your dad I'm jealous of your windbreaker! ha, jk. Love you!
yeah i deleted it and my facebook. i just felt like they were taking over my life. But yeah i might get a blog again when I go back up to school/probably my facebook as well but for now no dice. :) i still read your guys' though so keep updating!
haha ok. yeah that makes sense. i should probably do the same i have serious addiction problems and waste so much time! lol oh well i'll just keep using the excuse that my blog is my journal to make myself feel better :D
i always wanted to do that hike!
well you should someday! :D
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